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Систематическое Богословие [3]
Систематическое Богословие

В разделе сайтов: 3
Показано сайтов: 1-3

The Directory for The Publick Worship of God


  1. The Preface
  2. Of the Assembling of the Congregation
  3. Of Publick Reading of the Holy Scriptures
  4. Of Publick Prayer before the Sermon
  5. Of Preaching of the Word
  6. Of Prayer after Sermon
  7. Of the Sacrament of Baptism
  8. Of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
  9. Of the Sanctification of the Lord's Day
  10. Of the Solemnization of Marriage
  11. Of the Visitation of the Sick
  12. Of the Burial of the Dead
  13. Of Publick Solemn Fasting
  14. Of the Observation of Days of Publick Thanksgiving
  15. Of Singing of Psalms
  16. An Appendix touching Days and Places of Publick Worship

CHARLES I. Parl. 3. Sess. 5.

An ACT of the PARLIAMENT of the KINGDOM of SCOTLAND, approving and establishing the

DIRECTORY for Publick Worship.

AT EDINBURGH, February 6, 1645.

THE Estates of Parliament now convened, in the second session of this first triennial Parliament, by virtue of the last act of the last Parliament holden by his Majesty and the Three Estates, in anno 1641; after the publick reading and serious consideration of the act under-written of the General Assembly, approving the following Directory for the publick worship of God in the three kingdoms, lately united by the Solemn league and Covenant, together with the ordinance of the Parliament of England establishing the said Directory, and the Directory itself; do heartily and cheerfully agree to the said Directory, according to the act of the General Assembly approving the same. Which act, together with the Directory itself; the Estates of Parliament do, without a contrary voice, ratify and approve in all the Heads and Articles thereof; and do interpone and add the authority of Parliament to the said act of the General Assembly. And do ordain the same to have the strength and force of a law and act of parliament, and execution to pass thereupon, for observing the said Directory, according to the said act of the General Assembly to al points.

ALEX. GIBSON, Cler. Registri.

Систематическое Богословие | Переходов: 341 | Добавил: FPCS | Дата: 19.07.2010

Этот сайт посвящен реформатскому движению в славянском мире в целом и в Украине в частности.
Систематическое Богословие | Переходов: 413 | Добавил: reformed.org.ua | Дата: 21.03.2010

Реформатское богословие для Украины
Систематическое Богословие | Переходов: 700 | Добавил: Реформатское богословие для Украины | Дата: 12.11.2008

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